[Mristudio-users] Studies on animal histology after performing brain resection?

Dorian Pustina albnet at gmail.com
Tue May 27 09:33:05 EDT 2014

Dear all,

I am trying to find some animal studies of biological changes in the brain
(i.e. axonal sprouting or myelination) after performing resection. I
searched for a while the literature but there is not much I could find.
There are either studies on spinal cord, or histology of areas proximal to
the resection, but not what happens in areas more distal from the resection
(i.e. if there is sprouting or change in myelination/oligodendrocytes).

The original Song 2002 paper that related radial diffusivity with
myelination is on shiverer mouse, and all ~300 papers  that cite him/her
don't seem to have done histology comparisons in resected brains.

Having some animal models to compare diffusion changes observed in humans
would be great. Does anybody remember any such study that looked at
histology in animals after performing controlled resection (possibly not
just chemical lesions)?

Thank you for any help.
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