[Mristudio-users] isolating bone in osirix

Marianne . marianne_ogrady at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 3 13:29:32 EDT 2014

I apologize as this is probably not the right forum to ask the question but I'd appreciate any help I can get
I'm working in osirix and see chards of bone throughout shoulders, back, chest, and neck.  I'm looking at various series of c-spine, left shoulder, and brachial plexus images taken of the same person.   In 2-d black and white these little chards are hidden in the image as maybe a hyper intensity.
How I'm able to see this bone is by using 3d, volume rendering,   3d preset of no shading,  linear table, 8 bit clut blackbody, or alternate with 16 bit clut,  GPU, finest setting.    then I click the mouse to the color shading button and move it across the screen.   It removes red soft tissue first to expose the bones.   
I know there is a bone extractor in osirix for CT imaging.   
offhand, are you guys aware of any alternate way of isolating bone from the rest of the MR to as a way to duplicate these chards of bone.
thanks for any help or suggestions you can make!!
There are certain series where its not so easy to isolate the bone in volume rending using color adjustment such as T1 weighted images.   It can still be done but it a little harder involving a lot of clipping with scissors tool.  I think t2 flair works well to isolate bone using color settings
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