[Mristudio-users] The use of software ROIEditor

Xin Li xli16 at jhmi.edu
Mon Mar 31 12:36:46 EDT 2014

To create 3D ROIs, you can draw ROI slice by slice and can use "3D Threshold" and "3D region growing".

There is a video about ROIEditor at https://www.mristudio.org/documentation/video/MristudioTutorialVideo/ROIEditor.htm


From: mristudio-users [mristudio-users-bounces at mristudio.org] on behalf of chenpingjun1990 at sina.com [chenpingjun1990 at sina.com]
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 11:46 AM
To: mristudio-users
Subject: [Mristudio-users] The use of software ROIEditor

Hi, DTI experts,

       I need to use ROIEditor to draw ROIs, and then do some analysis on these ROIs..

       I looked at the manual of ROIEditor and tried to use it, I can understand the 2D drawing of ROI, but I still don't know how to draw 3D ROIs, layer-by-layer? or combined with "Threshold" or "Seeded Region Growing".

       Is there any video tutorials on using ROIEditor?  then I can have some intuitive feeling to use it..


Eric Chen

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