[Mristudio-users] Extracting tract info between AAL ROIs

Venkatesh Rajagopalan VRajagopalan at kesslerfoundation.org
Tue Apr 30 12:43:15 EDT 2013

Dear Users,

I would like to extract information for DTI images such as number of tracts, fiber density, FA, MD values of tracts running between the ROIs (90 ROIs) using AAL ROIs atlas. Could someone tell me how I can do this?

Also do you have batch processing facility available to process DTI images? Also can you make DTI studio accept text files for bvec (gradient table). I do some of the pre processing steps in a different software and use DTI studio for tract reconstruction so if DTI studio could accept a text file for gradient table field it will be great (now I have to type everytime 0: 0,0,0 1: -0.45,.... etc). In addition to saving the eigen values and other maps can you also include (automatic or user to check option to save all maps right now I believe CP, CL RD doesn't get saved and one has to manually save them)

Thanks very much

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