[Mristudio-users] question about transforming JHU_MNI_SS_WMPM to subject space

Deepa Krishnaswamy deepa.krishnaswamy1 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 29 20:37:06 EDT 2013

I have successfully gone through the LDDMM pipeline and obtained the
results from the server. I have been able to transform my data to the atlas
space easily. I am now trying to transform the atlas to the subject space
using the combined matrices methodology, as I would like to obtain ROIs in
subject space. I resampled my template to isotrpic resolution, and applied
the combined matrix (Hmap and inverse AIR) using nearest neighbor for

Unfortunately the updated Lddmm WMPM Type 1 volume seems to be comprised of
all zeros, as it appears black in DiffeoMap.

Another error I noticed is that when you try to combine matrices, and need
to save the OverallHmap, it defaults to saving 'OverallKimap.dat', don't
know if this is causing a problem.

Have similar problems been encountered by anyone? Thanks,

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