[Mristudio-users] LDDMM for Hematoma

Jeff Sadino jsadino.queens at gmail.com
Thu Sep 8 19:59:15 EDT 2011

Hello again DTI Experts,

I have a group of patients that have suffered trauma to the head that I am
putting through the LDDMM pipeline.  A problem I ran across during AIR in
DiffeoMap is that since the trauma is causing a hematoma in the B0 image,
the registration is very poor.  On one subject, I performed DiffeoMap AIR
using the Mean DWI image and the registration came out pretty good.  I am
wondering if this is a valid approach to perform AIR registration.

For the LDDMM registration, usually I use the FA and the Trace image to
drive the Kimap.  However, I think I will get the same poor results.  Should
I use just the DWI image to drive the LDDMM registration?  There would be no
need to do "Intensity Normalization" on the DWI image, correct?

Thank you very much,
Jeff Sadino
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