[Mristudio-users] ex vivo DTI analysis

Poptani, Harish Harish.Poptani at uphs.upenn.edu
Tue Jul 26 11:39:27 EDT 2011

Hello Susumu,



Is there an easy way to co-register and analyze ex vivo DTI from the
mouse brain? We have been acquiring high-resolution DTI data of the
mouse brain and use DTI studio to process and analyze the data. Since
these are phenotypically different mice, the differences in anatomy are
not obvious and in order to assess DTI differences (FA for example), we
need to make sure that all the brains are aligned and matched to each
other. While there seems to be a way for performing the co-registration
step within DTI studio, I have not been able to figure out a way to save
the ROI such that it can be used for all the different samples. Can
you/anyone else please guide us through this?






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