[Mristudio-users] Coregistration problem

susumu mori susumu at mri.jhu.edu
Fri Aug 27 12:06:05 EDT 2010

Hi Katja,

Are you using DtiStudio or DiffeoMap? Both has AIR but the former should be
used only for intra-DTI image registration. In your case, you want
inter-scan (anatomical vs DTI) registration, which needs the latter


On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 7:44 AM, Katja Doerschner <katja at bilkent.edu.tr>wrote:

> Dear DTI studio users,
> I am trying to coregister a 3D anatomical (Siemens, 176 Sagittal slices,
> y224 z256) to DWI mosaic (Siemens mosaic, 50 axial slices x128 y128).
> When I am loading each of these data sets into the viewer they look fine,
> however the coregistered images (using Automatic Image Registration) just
> look very distorted and the views of the coregistered image are switched
> i.e. sagittal shows now an axial, coronal a sagittal and axial the coronal
> view.
> Has anyone encountered this before?
> Thank you.
> Katja
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