[Mristudio-users] Coregistration problem

Katja Doerschner katja at bilkent.edu.tr
Thu Aug 26 07:44:45 EDT 2010

Dear DTI studio users,

I am trying to coregister a 3D anatomical (Siemens, 176 Sagittal slices, y224 z256) to DWI mosaic (Siemens mosaic, 50 axial slices x128 y128).

When I am loading each of these data sets into the viewer they look fine, however the coregistered images (using Automatic Image Registration) just look very distorted and the views of the coregistered image are switched i.e. sagittal shows now an axial, coronal a sagittal and axial the coronal view.   

Has anyone encountered this before?
Thank you.


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