[Mristudio-users] Beginner with question about getting started

Stephen Ray stevie.ray28 at gmail.com
Thu May 13 12:04:55 EDT 2010


This is Stephen Ray.  I am a physicist doing some volunteer work for
analyzing DTI images for a research group.  I am excited to do this because
I am interested in the application, but I basically have no knowledge in
terms of processing images, how the data is collected, and how the
software.  I tried going through the manual, but am still having trouble
sorting out what to put where.  Here is my current situation, any help you
could offer would be fantastic.

I was sent a folder of dicom files, so I open up DTI studio and select DTI
mapping.  From there I choose Siemens Dicom which takes me to the
parameters.  This is the point where I get lost.  The folder sent to me as
520 images to process.  The images are named as such:  IM-0001-0001 through
IM-0001-0520.  So would I put 520 in the "images slices" box in the Image
Dimension section.  For the "Slices to be processed" section, would I put 1
and 520?  Also, I have no idea what process/gradient table they used.  Where
would I get that information?  Would that be information I need to get from
the protocol of the image collection or from the person who ran the

Also, in the Philips REC Image File section, is this where I load the dicom
images?  Do I have to load them individually or can I direct the software to
the correct directory where the images are?

Thanks for your help and assistance!

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