[Mristudio-users] Beginner with question about getting started

Rajagopalan, Venkateswaran rajagov2 at ccf.org
Thu May 13 12:50:40 EDT 2010

Hi Stephen,
I can help you with few things but i am not an expert with DTI studio.
1) Before choosing DTI mapping option choose MRI3dview there you will find different options to open your files for instance my dicom files (from seimens) are .dcm and not IMA so try opening your files one of these options and see which  one works. Once you  have succeded in opening your files to your right top corner you will see "Orthogonal Views" there you will find slice marker slot by scrolling up and down the arrows you can  find the number of slices.
This is because for instance my DTI data is collected over 12 directions and 1 without diffusion weighting so 13 in total and we have acquires 30 slices so 13*30= 390, similarly in your case you have mentioned that you have 520 slices actually that is the total number of images acquired. So  similar to my DTI data example you can try to figure out the number of gradient directions. 
2) For the "Slices to be processed" section, would I put 1 and 520? 
So for this question you will get your answer from point 1) above.
3) Also, I have no idea what process/gradient table they used. Would that be information I need to get from the protocol of the image collection or from the person who ran the experiment?
I got the gradient table information from our techs who ran the scans but if you search DTI studio archives you might find them for the magent field strength you used then version of the software used in siemens and the number of gradient directions.
DTI studio manual will provide you more information .



From: mristudio-users-bounces at mristudio.org on behalf of Stephen Ray
Sent: Thu 5/13/2010 12:04 PM
To: mristudio-users at mristudio.org
Subject: [Mristudio-users] Beginner with question about getting started


This is Stephen Ray.  I am a physicist doing some volunteer work for analyzing DTI images for a research group.  I am excited to do this because I am interested in the application, but I basically have no knowledge in terms of processing images, how the data is collected, and how the software.  I tried going through the manual, but am still having trouble sorting out what to put where.  Here is my current situation, any help you could offer would be fantastic.

I was sent a folder of dicom files, so I open up DTI studio and select DTI mapping.  From there I choose Siemens Dicom which takes me to the parameters.  This is the point where I get lost.  The folder sent to me as 520 images to process.  The images are named as such:  IM-0001-0001 through IM-0001-0520.  So would I put 520 in the "images slices" box in the Image Dimension section.  For the "Slices to be processed" section, would I put 1 and 520?  Also, I have no idea what process/gradient table they used.  Where would I get that information?  Would that be information I need to get from the protocol of the image collection or from the person who ran the experiment?

Also, in the Philips REC Image File section, is this where I load the dicom images?  Do I have to load them individually or can I direct the software to the correct directory where the images are?

Thanks for your help and assistance!



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