[Mristudio-users] Tensor matrix and the .d file

Christian Bieck c.bieck at T-Online.de
Wed Jul 23 08:12:00 EDT 2008


Working on my DTI diploma thesis, I spent quite some time on getting acquainted with DTIStudio and even more on getting all those AIR .exe files compiled. I now have moved on to trying out Landmarker. To my dismay, the "getting started" section in the landmarker user manual talks about opening a .d file so you can normalize the tensor matrix.
I would appreciate it *very* much if someone could provide information on what exactly the tensor matrix is (is it the tensor image I get after pressing on the "Tensor-Eigenvalue-etc." button under DtiMap?) and how I can save the tensor matrix as a .d file.

Sorry for this rather elementary question.

-Christian Bieck

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