[Mristudio-users] a question

Niyazi Acer acerniyazi at gmail.com
Wed Feb 24 15:52:42 EST 2016

Dear Susumo

I attanded last year your tutorial. I was very happy. I want to apply
subthalamic nucleus atlas (STN atlas) to get STN volume.
I have got STN atlas. I downloaded my computer this atlass. How can I make
 using this atlas with Diffeomap and ROIeditor.
Many thanks


Niyazi Acer, phD, Post Doctoral Fellowship
Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine
Department of Otolaryngology
Ross 826, 720 Rutland Avenue, Baltimore 21205, MD, USA
email:acerniyazi at gmail.com

Erciyes Universitesi
Tip Fakultesi
Anatomi Anabilim Dali
Kayseri, Turkiye
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