[Mristudio-users] ROIEditor

Manoj Kumar vermanojk at gmail.com
Thu Apr 16 10:02:27 EDT 2015

Hello Dear DTIstudio Experts,

I would like to used ROIEditor to draw the 3D ROIs in various gray matter
regions in our preterm babies and would like to used these ROI to
transformed into our average brain template.

So my question is that, Is there any option in ROIEditor that can allow us
to create and saved the my own ROI or can I used the segmented brain Atlas
and edit the individual segmented region of interest from the Atlas. The
reason behind editing or creating own ROI is that we have younger
population data and brain regions would be slightly smaller than segmented
Atlas that might not perpectly much with our region of interest.

Please suggest me how I can do that. I will really appreciate your help.

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