[Mristudio-users] Change Data Format-JHU_pediatric_24_SS_159parcellation_atlas

Xin Li xli16 at jhmi.edu
Fri Mar 27 09:42:52 EDT 2015

You can load the .dat file as a raw word image file into any mristudio software (DtiStudio, DiffeoMap or RoiEditor). Then you can save it in analyze format by using the "save image" function.


From: mristudio-users <mristudio-users-bounces at mristudio.org> on behalf of Gozdas, Elveda <Elveda.Gozdas at cchmc.org>
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2015 1:14 AM
To: mristudio-users at mristudio.org
Subject: [Mristudio-users] Change Data Format-JHU_pediatric_24_SS_159parcellation_atlas

Dear DTI Studio Users,

I am trying to use  JHU_pediatric24_SS_159parcellation atlas for my connectivity analysis. The data format is .dat/roihdr. I need to have this data .hdr/img format. I cannot use it now. I couldn't find how to convert it to .hdr/img format. Could you please help me how to do that? I will be really appreciated.

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