[Mristudio-users] writing ROI map file

Shao, Huiyan huiyan.shao at ttu.edu
Tue Nov 5 10:10:09 EST 2013

Hi, Dear DTIstudio experts

I'm trying to perform the atlas-based fiber selection procedure. And I have successfully get the atlas ROIs. Now I meet one question about how to operate several ROIs by using the operation "AND" and "or".  I would like to select fibers on both left and right hemisphere. Say if there are 3 ROIs (A, B, C) on the left, and corresponding 3 ROIs (a, b, c) on the right. I want to operate them like this mathematics formula :
 (A "OR" B "OR" a "OR"  b) "AND" ( C "OR" c)
when I write the map file like this :  (A "OR" B "OR" a "OR"  b) "AND" C "AND" c, it failed to select the fiber I want. Would you pls tell how to write the map file?


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