[Mristudio-users] Air files in DTI studio

zhuxuehai zhuxuehai2008 at 126.com
Mon Aug 19 09:18:43 EDT 2013

I haven't used *.dicom,the following is my step:file->mri view3d/select doc set parameter/in the right of window click automatic image registration in  imaging processing/click the last button in orthogonalview to save/in the new window select all your doc to save(format:raw data)/file->dti mapping/set gradient table/switch the right window(image to dtimap)from the bottom/choose tensor... in caculation/....
good luck  i'm a new user too.

At 2013-08-19 18:57:48,"Rotem Saar" <saar.rotem at gmail.com> wrote:

Dear experts,
I am a new user of DTI studio who wants to analyze my DTI data using DTIstudio.
We use a Philip scanner 1.5T and we are working with DICOMs, 1 b0, 15 gradients and from the last one (17) we ignore. All in all - we have 714 dicoms we enter to DTIstudio.
I'm trying to understand what (and how many) registrations I need to perform -
1) I want all the DTI images will be referenced to the b0 image. To do that, I guss I need to mark the first gradient in my list (which is the b0) for reference image, under "automatic image registration". Under "images to be registered" I will take all my DTI gradients. I marked the Affine transformation, and it seemed to work.
2) Now, what happens if I want to take the created data on AIR format as created in the last step (I did not mark the "create new images" under "automatic image registration" on purpose) and register it to the anatomical data, and only then - calculate the tensor ? Should I now define the reference image as one of the anatomical images, and under "images to be registered" take all the Air DTI gradients (created in step 1) ?
I read the tutorial, watched all your videos, even read in *.doc file on the net and went to read qs in the forum hopping to find answers - but with no luck.
If you will be able to specified the steps I need to perform / direct me to the place I can find detailed instructions on "automatic image registration" this will help allot !!
Thank you so much for your help,
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