[Mristudio-users] reading NRRD

Syam Gadde gadde at biac.duke.edu
Wed Mar 6 12:03:16 EST 2013

Oh, and in case you think it was the fact that the data was in TXYZ 
order, we have one in XYZT (where T is the diffusion dimension) and our 
user reports it gives the same error.

We're creating these headers ourselves, so if there's something we need 
to change we can probably do it.  I believe DTIStudio won't grab the 
diffusion directions from GE DICOMs, so we're hoping that we can use the 
.nrrd files for our GE data to eliminate the need to manually enter the 
diffusion directions (and any errors associated with manually entering 



# This NRRD file was generated by pynrrd
# on 2013-02-28 21:10:01(GMT).
# Complete NRRD file format specification at:
# http://teem.sourceforge.net/nrrd/format.html
type: int16
dimension: 4
space: right-anterior-superior
sizes: 256 256 58 31
space directions: (-0.999997,-0.0021668,-0.000823987) 
(-0.00182456134168,0.0953157829205,1.99772456531) none
kinds: space space space list
endian: little
encoding: gzip
space units: "mm" "mm" "mm" None
space origin: (129.76682615,-102.8050689,-19.8004802935)
measurement frame: (-0.999997,-0.0021668,-0.000823987) 
(0.0021363,-0.998861,0.0476694) (0.0009122816,-0.04765794,-0.9988633)
DWMRI_gradient_0000:=0.0 0.0 0.0
DWMRI_gradient_0001:=1.0 0.0 0.0
DWMRI_gradient_0002:=0.166 0.986 0.0
DWMRI_gradient_0003:=-0.11 0.664 0.74
DWMRI_gradient_0004:=0.901 -0.419 -0.11
DWMRI_gradient_0005:=-0.169 -0.601 0.781
DWMRI_gradient_0006:=-0.815 -0.386 0.433
DWMRI_gradient_0007:=0.656 0.366 0.66
DWMRI_gradient_0008:=0.582 0.8 0.143
DWMRI_gradient_0009:=0.9 0.259 0.35
DWMRI_gradient_0010:=0.693 -0.698 0.178
DWMRI_gradient_0011:=0.357 -0.924 -0.14
DWMRI_gradient_0012:=0.543 -0.488 -0.683
DWMRI_gradient_0013:=-0.525 -0.396 0.753
DWMRI_gradient_0014:=-0.639 0.689 0.341
DWMRI_gradient_0015:=-0.33 -0.013 -0.944
DWMRI_gradient_0016:=-0.524 -0.783 0.335
DWMRI_gradient_0017:=0.609 -0.065 -0.791
DWMRI_gradient_0018:=0.22 -0.233 -0.947
DWMRI_gradient_0019:=-0.004 -0.91 -0.415
DWMRI_gradient_0020:=-0.511 0.627 -0.589
DWMRI_gradient_0021:=0.414 0.737 0.535
DWMRI_gradient_0022:=-0.679 0.139 -0.721
DWMRI_gradient_0023:=0.884 -0.296 0.362
DWMRI_gradient_0024:=0.262 0.432 0.863
DWMRI_gradient_0025:=0.088 0.185 -0.979
DWMRI_gradient_0026:=0.294 -0.907 0.302
DWMRI_gradient_0027:=0.887 -0.089 -0.453
DWMRI_gradient_0028:=0.257 -0.443 0.859
DWMRI_gradient_0029:=0.086 0.867 -0.491
DWMRI_gradient_0030:=0.863 0.504 -0.025

On 03/06/2013 10:59 AM, Syam Gadde wrote:
> Hello,
> We have a user that's trying to use DTIStudio with our .nrrd files.
> The error he's getting is:
>     "NRRD-DWMRI file read error"
> I have no idea why it doesn't like the file, but I'm hoping someone
> will.  I have included the header portion of the .nrrd file below.  It
> reads fine in some other tools (DTIPrep, for example).  Many thanks!
> -syam

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