[Mristudio-users] question about structure of Fiber.dat file

Deepa Krishnaswamy deepa.krishnaswamy1 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 4 21:22:00 EST 2013

Sorry about the incomplete e-mail.
For part A in question 'How is the fiber stored', the header information is
given as:

   - int *nFiberLength*; // fiber length
   - unsigned char *cReserved*;
   - RGB_TRIPLE *rgbFiberColor*; // R-G-B, 3 bytes totally
   - int *nSelectFiberStartPoint*;
   - int *nSelectFiberEndPoint*;
   - XYZ_TRIPLE *xyzFiberCoordinate*[nFiberLength]; //x-y-z, 3 float data
   and then next fiber data..

For part A in question 'How do you read in individual fiber coordinates
outside the DTI Studio Environment':

   - // move file pointer 128, where fiber-data starts;
   - fileIn.Seek(128,CFile::begin);
   - int nAryIdx = 0;

   for (i=0; i<stFiberFileHeader.nFiberNr; i++) {

      fileIn.Read(&m_stAryFiber[nAryIdx].*nLength*, sizeof(int)); // read

      fileIn.Read(&m_stAryFiber[nAryIdx].*nSelStatus*, sizeof(BYTE)); //
      read sel-status

      fileIn.Read(&m_stAryFiber[nAryIdx].*rgbColor*, sizeof(RGB_TRIPLE));
      // read color

      fileIn.Read(&m_stAryFiber[nAryIdx].*nSelLenStart*, sizeof(int)); //
      read fiber-sel-start

      fileIn.Read(&m_stAryFiber[nAryIdx].*nSelLenEnd*, sizeof(int)); //
      read fiber-sel-end

      if (m_nFiberFileVersion >= 2005) // new version

         sizeof(XYZ_TRIPLE));// read ROI point
         // read fiber-chain data
      - m_stAryFiber[nAryIdx].*pxyzChain* = new
      - fileIn.Read(m_stAryFiber[nAryIdx].pxyzChain,
      sizeof(XYZ_TRIPLE)*m_stAryFiber[nAryIdx].nLength); // if slicing
      is in negative, adjusting z-component before saving the data if
      (stFiberFileHeader.enumSliceSequencing == NEGATIVE_Seq) {

         for (int j=0; j<m_stAryFiber[nAryIdx].nLength; j++)
         - m_stAryFiber[nAryIdx].pxyzChain[j].z =
            (stFiberFileHeader.nImgSlices-1) -
         } nAryIdx ++;
   } fileIn.Close();

As you can see, there are slight differences in the names given. Could
someone please tell me which is correct? I am trying to convert from a .trk
file to a .dat file (I am able to read in the information from the dat file
correctly, but cannot write out the track info without this knowledge).
Thank you,


On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 9:17 PM, Deepa Krishnaswamy <
deepa.krishnaswamy1 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> On the FAQ page about the structure of a fiber.dat file, I believe that
> there is conflicting information about the fields in the struct header.
> For part A in
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