[Mristudio-users] need help in retrieving my saved fibers!!!

Supreet kaur ksupreet6 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 14 11:40:17 EST 2012

Hello DTI experts,
                              I have a problem in retrieving my saved ROI
 fibers data in DTI studio. Here are the steps that I follow in saving my
Fibers after performing
the Fiber tracking:
(1) I saved my fibers in Analyze format (binary image).
(2) when I go back to load the fibers from the ROI operation tool menu, I
select the binary image from the menu box. Then the image parameter window
popps up, then I select the Raw data option (I make sure that all the image
parameters are the same as original).
(3) Then the message shows up saying "the image parameters in the file are
not consistent with the current ones"..and then i click yes to continue,
it shows me some odd fibers which weren't part of my oriniginal fiber track
trajectory (such as ILF, IFO, CC fibers which I saved originally).

I can save the fibers fine with save selected fibers options of the saving
the fiber track button, but I need to save the fibers in the analyze format
for our lab's
automation program that needs the analyze (binary image) format for the

I'll truely appreciate your feedback and help on this matter.

Thanking you,

Supreet kaur,
Biomedical research engineer,
Nationwide Childrens Hospital,
Columbus, OH
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