[Mristudio-users] ROI editor question

Cameron Mang cmang at ualberta.ca
Fri Oct 21 19:30:20 EDT 2011

Hi there,

I am attempting to use ROI editor to analyze some data and would like to try
to partition the corpus callosum into a few different pieces and calculate
FA values for each area. The partitioning will be easiest to do in the
sagittal view as it is based on measurements from the anterior most part to
the posterior most part of the callosum; however I am having issues with
drawing ROIs in the sagittal view. When I draw an ROI in the axial view with
the pencil function, then fill it, and add it, it works really well (as
shown in your tutorial). But when I try to draw in the sagittal or coronal
view, when I click "add," the ROI that I have drawn shifts to the lowermost
portion of the view instead of where I did the drawing and does not transfer
and show up in the other views.

Have you encountered this problem previously and do you know of any possible
solutions? Any information you can provide me with would be greatly

Thanks in advance.

Cameron Mang
PhD student, Rehabilitation Sciences, University of British Columbia
BPE, MSc Neurophysiology, University of Alberta
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