[Mristudio-users] FA stats question

Matthew Gnirke gnirkem at upstate.edu
Mon Aug 22 12:52:35 EDT 2011


I have a question regarding the statistics profile in DTI-studio. I am
attempting to only measure the fibers between two extreme OR ROIs with an
AND ROI in between them. If I click statistics and then select the FA map,
and click stats profile, the program gives a breakdown of fibers by slice.
My question is what exactly is the mean FA value reflecting.. is it computed
from the FA of the fibers at that specific slice, or is it computed from the
average of the FA of the whole length of the fiber.  Lets say for example
(for simplicity), there is only one fiber... is each slices FA reflective of
the FA at that slice or of the average of that fiber along its entire

Thank you for your help, and I hope my question made a little sense..

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