[Mristudio-users] handling of multiple b values

Julie E McEntee jmcentee at jhmi.edu
Wed Mar 16 12:13:59 EDT 2011


I am attempting to process some DTI data in Siemens Mosaic format that have multiple b values; that is, in addition to the volumes obtained with b = 0, DWI images with b = 300 and b = 1100 were obtained (please see attached gradient table and associated b values; obtained using DTIStudio "get gradient table" button).

Does DTIStudio properly handle such data correctly, that is, are tensor calculation and other calculations/images derived from DWIs with different b values performed appropriately? For example, I tried using the pixel rejection method for outlier rejection and many of pixels within b = 300 DWIs were rejected.

Thank you for your time,


Julie E. McEntee, M.A., C.C.R.P.
Department of Psychiatry- Neuroimaging
Department of Medical Psychology
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
600 N. Wolfe St./ Phipps 300
Baltimore, MD 21287

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