[Mristudio-users] (no subject)

Won Sang Jung wonrad at gmail.com
Tue Sep 7 10:57:58 EDT 2010

Dear DTI studio friends,

This is a little off-topic, but I would like to ask everyone about 3T MRI

I am a neuroradiologist at ST. Vincent's Hospital in Suwon, South Korea.
 Recently the hospital purchased a new 3T MRI machine.

I'm interested in optimizing 3T MRI sequences and am curious about what kind
of enhanced T1 weighted sequences are being used by yourself or your

Among Fast spin echo, gradient echo, T1 weighted inversion recovery or
MP-RAGE sequences which one do you routinely use?  Is there any situation
that you would use a certain type of sequence according the the disease
being evaluated?

I would appreciate any advice that you have to give on this topic.  Thank
you in advance for your reply.


Won Sang Jung, M.D.
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