[Mristudio-users] Problem loading high resolution scans into DTI Studio

cwber at 126.com cwber at 126.com
Sat Mar 20 04:20:16 EDT 2010

You should first make sure you select the right data format, and make sure there is not mistakes in your Gradient table. Then try again, Best wishes! weibo

在2010-03-18 11:32:17,"Kevin Spitler" <kevinspitler at ucla.edu> 写道:

We have recently starting acquiring high resolution scans and I am having difficulty loading them into DTI Studio.  I am using the same 12 direction gradient that worked on the low resolution (large slice thickness).  Although the DTI Studio program does not crash, the color map 0 generated is not correct (random color patterns over the tissue).  

The study was performed on a 3T Trio scanner in Siemens.
b values are b=0, b=600, b=1200
Direction is 12

I can provide more information or attach files if that would help solve the problem.  Thanks for your help

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