[Mristudio-users] CC in elderly patients

Dafna Ben Bashat dafnab at tasmc.health.gov.il
Thu Mar 11 06:19:20 EST 2010

Hi all,

We are currently working on data from elderly stroke/TIA patients.  

In many of the TIA patients, who have good DTI data, for some reason the
CC does not built well, we can't see the fan. 

This is not due to incorrect directions (the CST is built OK).

ROI measurements give reasonable values. We even changed the flip-angel
for the FACT, and got the same results.

Any suggestions? Is it a known phenomenon in elderly / stroke / TIA


Thank you in advance.





Dafna Ben Bashat Ph.D. 


Senior Physicist, In charge of MR systems

The Wohl institute for Advanced Imaging

Brain Imaging Center

Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center


Phone: 972-3-6973953 (o)          Fax: 972-3-6973080


       972-52-4262515 (m)        Mail: dafnab at tasmc.health.gov.il

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