[Mristudio-users] Are calculated resluts influenced by the order of stored images in .REC?

钱文枢 qianwenshu at gmail.com
Mon Feb 8 03:25:09 EST 2010

Hi, all

I have used DTIStudio to calculate tensor index. The former order of stored
images in .REC file is "gradient by gradient", every result is OK. The
latest two patients' data has been saved as "slice by slice". Though I chose
"slice by slice" when input data, the calculated tensor index were all
blurry. I wanna know if the resluts will be influenced by the order of
stored images in .REC or the blur is just caused by other effects such as
Did anyone have the same problem?

Thank you!

Wenshu Qian

Department of Diagnostic Radiology
The University of Hong Kong
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