[Mristudio-users] Eddy current correction on Siemens 3T console

Andrew Bender bender at wayne.edu
Tue Sep 29 13:01:09 EDT 2009

Hello all,

This is less of a DTIstudio question than a practical consideration  
for DTI processing. Specifically, our institution has a newly  
installed Siemens 3T Magnetom Verio scanner and the console has the  
option of outputting computed DTI maps for FA, ADC, radial and axial  
diffusivities, and eigenvalues.  However, nobody I've asked is clear  
as to whether these have been corrected for eddy current distortion  
when the console generates them. Does anybody know whether these  
console-generated DTI maps have been corrected or otherwise AIR  
registered?  I've read recently that some newer consoles incorporate  
such correction algorithms, but our MR techs do not know and emails to  
Siemens have not been returned.

Obviously, corrected DTI maps that don't require the same degree of  
pre-processing are preferable for workflow considerations.  I'm  
planning on doing some comparisons for purposes of further validation  
using the AIRtool affine registration on the raw dicom images before  
generating the DTI maps in DTIstudion and Analyze, and comparing ROIs  
between those and the Siemens console generated maps to see if there  
are differences in output quality.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Andrew R. Bender, M.A.
Graduate Research Assistant
Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging Lab
Department of Psychology
Institute of Gerontology
Wayne State University
87 E. Ferry Street
Detroit, Michigan 48202
bender at wayne.edu
(313) 871-0710

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