[Mristudio-users] GE 15 gradient table

miguel.burgaleta at uam.es miguel.burgaleta at uam.es
Fri Sep 25 19:07:28 EDT 2009

Dear DTIStudio group,

I have a beginner's question regarding the gradient table that I  
should use with my DTI. The scanner is a GE and I already have the  
standard medium table from the manufacturer, but I get weird FA  
colormaps when using it (non-symmetric, corpus callosum not red).  
However, if I use a gradient table made by reading the DICOM headers  
with dcm2nii, I get a gradient table that leads to symmetric, solid  
red CC FA colormaps.

I have read in this list before that this is a good criterion to make  
sure that the gradient table is the right one, but also heard that it  
could be incorrect too! So the question is how to make sure that the  
gradient table is the right one?

I appreciate your help.


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