[Mristudio-users] DTIStudio crashing during tensor calculations

Patrick Rizzuto prizzut2 at jhu.edu
Thu Aug 20 13:43:36 EDT 2009

Hi all,

I am attempting to use the DTIStudio component of MRIStudio in order to perform the standard tensor calculations on a .dpf file (post image-registration); however, about a second or so after it asks me about automatic outlier rejection, the program (in particular, the MFC application, according to the popup) invariably crashes, citing an exception at location "0x73ed2659".  I have used this same procedure successfully on four other similar AIR-.dpf files, and yet I cannot avoid this problem on this particular .dpf file, even after restarting the computer.

This same .dpf file is unusual in another way.  When first loading it in, it gives me warnings that the (three) .rec file sizes are smaller than the DW-image size.  I occasionally received similar warnings for the other .dpf files, but these were easily resolved by tinkering with the number of slices specified in the .dpf file.  In this case, though, there does not appear to be a correct number of slices - while it gives me a message that the .rec files are small with 52 slices, it also warns me that the .rec files are too BIG with 51 slices.  Let me emphasize that in both cases, the .dpf file successfully loads if the warnings are dismissed, and the brain images look normal - a problem is only revealed once I attempt to perform the calculations.

The .par files for these .rec files are also different - a few of the parameters that were mentioned in the other .par files are not specified in these 3.  In particular, there is no mention of the recon. scan resolution or of the slice thickness.  If anyone has any tips on how to resolve this, I would greatly appreciate it.

Pat Rizzuto
Johns Hopkins Center for Imaging Science

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