[Mristudio-users] Problem with Landmarker not loading subjects

Paul Beach pabeach1 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 25 13:55:51 EDT 2009

Hi everyone,

So every once and a while I'll be on Landmarker and when I'm trying to load
a subject I'll receive an error message saying "please enter a number
between 0 and 4096."  The first time this happened I just closed all my
programs and reopened Landmarker and things worked again.  Other times (such
as the latest one) I went so far as to restart my computer, which lead to no

This is obviously a huge problem as I can't load subjects whatsoever.

Any ideas?



p.s. In case this is necessary information, I've been using landmarks to
reorient subject brains and fiber tracts using affine/rigid transformations.
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