[Mristudio-users] ImgVal Calculation

hjyu hjyu at ic.sunysb.edu
Mon Nov 24 11:56:47 EST 2008

I have a question regarding the ImgVal calculation under statistical
profile for fiber tracking.  I got very different mean FA values
(differences ranging from 0.04 to 0.1)  when I tried these two methods
(keeping all parameters consistent and same version of DTI):
1.       Load previously saved fiber track (binary) into DTI studio,
click on fiber statistics and I have  for Mean of ImgVal and Std. of
2.       Using MATLAB, apply the same binary fiber track onto FA image
(analyze format), calculate mean/std values for all the pixels/voxels
belonging to this fiber track
How are these mean ImgVal calculated?  I assume it is just a mean values
for all the pixels/voxels that are contained in the fiber track of
Thanks in advance for your help.

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