[Mristudio-users] [ERR] Re: ROI uploading and viewing in DTI Studio

postmaster at paran.com postmaster at paran.com
Wed Sep 10 18:01:12 EDT 2008

Transmit Report:

 To: nsckpark at paran.com, 2008/09/11 07:01:09, 451, Requested action aborted: No failover server
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From: XIN LI <xli16 at jhmi.edu>
Subject: Re: [Mristudio-users] ROI uploading and viewing in DTI Studio
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 17:45:36 -0400
Size: 7486
Url: http://lists.mristudio.org/pipermail/mristudio-users/attachments/20080911/fea4b086/attachment-0001.mht 

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