[Mristudio-users] question on landmarker and tensor image

Elizabeth Finger Elizabeth.Finger at lhsc.on.ca
Wed May 21 16:06:26 EDT 2008


I have a data set in which I would like to compare the uncinate
fasiculus in the patients vs. controls.  Ideally, I would like to try
both the automated white matter segmentation approach as well as a
manual ROI approach.  So far I have loaded the DTI data (2 runs), run
AIR to register the runs together, and done the manual quality check and
image flag file. I then reloaded the two AIR series as .rec format with
the updated gradient table into DTI mapping and did the tensor
calculation, saving the six tensors in one file (Dxx, Dyy, Dzz, etc.) as
well as the FA, eigen vector, color maps, recalculated mean B0 and DWI
separately as raw format.
My next goal is to normalize the images so that I can use the LDDMM to
use the automated white matter parcelation, to look at the statististics
for the uncinate fasiculus and some control tracts. To do this, what I
think needs to be done next (this is a question) is to choose an atlas,
load the individual subject data and tensor, and perform the AIR
transformation prior to LDDMM?  To do this, I first resampled my images
in Landmarker to fit the parameters of the atlas. I also did skull
stripping in Landmarker, with the GUI button for skull stripping, and
multiplied the resulting mask from the skull stripped B0 by the other
images.  Next, I am able to load the atlas images, and my own resampled
images (FA, B0, DWI) successfully. However, when I try to load the
tensor image using the Open.d file button, the image parameters of the
atlas come up in the pop-up, and whether I load the tensor from DTI
mapping, or a tensor which I attempted to resample, I receive an error
message “File size is smaller than expected value”.

I would very much appreciate any suggestions as to the steps I have
taken and what I should do in response to this error. I saw an email
prior with the same error, but can not find how it was resolved.

Thank you,
Elizabeth Finger

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