[Mristudio-users] Load ROI's drawn in fMRI images on DTI image

support at mristudio.org support at mristudio.org
Tue Apr 15 13:57:14 EDT 2008

Hi Akila,

This is a good question. I want to answer your question in a more generic way,
"how can we load ROI files defined by other software programs?". It could be a
fMRI activation map or manually drawn ROIs. The ROI-drawing capability of
DtiStudio is not very strong. It is also a viable option to use RoiEditor to
define multiple 3D ROIs and then load them to DtiStudio for fiber tracking.
Either way, they can be best done by using "Binary Mapping" format you can find
in DtiStudio and RoiEditor.

To understand this format, First please perform fiber tracking by DtiStudio. It
can be anything. Please just use two ROIs; one for "OR" and the second for

After the tracking, click the "Save" icon in the "ROI Operation" section. Then
you can find "Binary Mapping" as one of the options. Please choose this format
and save it. If you open the directory where you saved the file, you should find
three new files. Two files with *.dat extension are 3D binary files. If your
image has 192x192x60 dimension, they should have the same dimension with pixels
with "1" indicate the location of the ROI. The third file has *.map extension.
This is an ASCII file. So, you can open it by a texteditor. It should be
straightfoward to understand this file. It also has an explanation section at
the bottom. Once you understand this file, you can modify them to read and
combine any 3D binary 1/0 ROI files for fiber tracking.

If you are using RoiEditor, you can create multiple 3D files, save them by
"Binary Mapping", modify them to specify how you want to combine multiple ROIs
("OR", "AND", "NOT", "CUT" operations), read the file to DtiStudio, and fiber
tracking is automatic.

If you are using another software program, please make sure to save each ROI as
1/0 raw binary data. Then, you can simply specify the file path in the *.map
file and read them into DtiStudio.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


> Hi,
> I am trying to draw a ROI in functional image in a different software and
> then save it in a format that DTI Studio can read inorder to load the ROI on
> DTI image.
> Can I please get the source code for ROI Editor inorder to understand the
> formatting of ROI better in DTI Studio?
> Thanks,
> Akhila.

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