[Mristudio-users] Applying field map to DTI ?

Susumu Mori smoriw at gmail.com
Tue May 17 13:10:44 EDT 2016

Hi Dave,

There are many tools that allow registration of two images with different
However, the cross-contrast image registration has inherent limitations;
there is no guarantee that the two different contrasts share exactly the
same anatomical boundaries. For example, in an extreme case, the red nuclei
can be clearly seen by T2 but very faint by T1. If it is not visible in one
of the images, there is no way to register such structures between T1 and
T2. The WM/cortex boundaries can be seen both in T1 and T2, but we can't
assume that the boundaries are anatomical the same. Also, all MRI has a
certain amount of spilling of bright signals, which mean, bright objects
become bigger. So, as simple as the ventricle boundaries between T1 and T2
could be different; the ventricle volumes measure by T1 could be 500ml
while that from T2 could be 520ml, even from the same subject scanned at
the same time.

If two images of interest (in your case b0 and FLAIR) are from the same
subject, we can limit the amount of image deformation such that the
cross-contrast registration would be based on global alignment. This is a
valid approach. However, if you need local (elastic) deformation,
cross-contrast registration does not have a unique solution (there is no
right answer because images do not contain enough anatomical information
for accurate voxel-to-voxel registration).

So, I guess we can say, cross-contrast registration is inherently

Now, the problem is, the B0-susceptibility distortion seen in EPI is very
local (elastic). So the distorted and undistorted images need to have the
same contrast for accurate distortion correction.

Having said that, I want to ask you why you need to correct the distortion.

If you are interested in voxel intensities such as FA and MD, the FA of
structure "A" won't change before and after the distortion correction
because it just moves the location of voxels (except for the effect of
voxel interpolation during the undistortion).

If you are interested in size measurements, distortion is important but you
can't have much confidence if the volumes are correct for severely
distorted areas, even after distortion correction anyway.

So, depending on what you want to measure in which location, you may not
need distortion correction (or distortion correction simply move the voxels
you measure without impact on the results).


On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 11:52 AM, Scott, David <David.Scott at bioclinica.com>

> Hi Dr. Mori and MRIstudio group,
> May I follow up on the question of using T2w image for distortion
> correction? We have an investigator whose protocol does not include a T2
> acquisition, nor does he wish to add one. However, the protocol does
> include T2-FLAIR. Could the FLAIR image be used in the same way?
> Many thanks,
> Dave
> *From:* mristudio-users-bounces at mristudio.org [mailto:
> mristudio-users-bounces at mristudio.org] *On Behalf Of *Susumu Mori
> *Sent:* Sunday, December 08, 2013 3:57 PM
> *To:* DTI Studio, ROI Editor, DiffeoMap Questions/Support
> *Subject:* Re: [Mristudio-users] Applying field map to DTI ?
> Unfortunately, MriStudio software doesn't offer the solution #1 (phase map
> based) and #3 (inverted distortion).
> On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 10:11 AM, Dorian P. <alb.net at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you Dr. Mori.
> I am also looking at time concerns, both in acquisition and
> postprocessing. LDDMM is a bit long to run for clinical purposes. I used to
> do registration in Diffeomap alone (AIR linear -> AIR non-linear using
> white matter map segmented from T1 as template), but this did not resolve a
> recent problem I had. The subject had a tiny tumor (1cm) near the insula. I
> could see the arcuate passing near the tumor in FA maps, but there was no
> way to register this onto MP-RAGE (the arcuate seemed passing through the
> tumor instead). Thus I need some better solution to have millimetric
> precision.
> How would I go for applying solutions 1 and 3 Dr Mori, that is applying
> the field map or correcting with inverted gradients (posterior-anterior
> rather than anterior-posterior).
> Thank you for your quick response.
> 2013/12/5 Susumu Mori <smoriw at gmail.com>
> Dorian,
> DTI, which is based on single-shot echo planar imaging, is known to
> distort due to B0 field inhomogeneity.
> We can map this field inhomogeneity using a separately measured field map
> (thus, a measurement of field is needed in addition to DTI). With this
> field map, we can theoretically calculate the amount of distortion and undo
> it.
> However, this field map technique has some its own difficulties. From what
> I have heard, this method is not perfect.
> When we judge if the distortion is well corrected, we usually compare the
> distortion-corrected DTI image, such as b0 image, with conventional
> anatomical scans, such as T2-weighted images. If the corrected b0 image
> matches very well with a T2-weighted image, we say, "it is well corrected".
> So, an alternative approach is, to nonlinearly (such as LDDMM) register
> DTI images to a T2-weighted anatomical scan. This approach doesn't require
> a separate field map data, but do requires a T2-weighted image. This
> approach is explained in the #8 of Getting Started here (
> https://www.mristudio.org/wiki/user_manual/diffeomap).
> Another method is to acquire two sets of b0 image with different
> phase-encoding gradients, which generate two b0 images with a completely
> opposite distortion directions. From these two images, a middle image can
> be calculated. This approach, however, requires such two b0 data to be
> acquired.
> So, all three approaches require some extra data. Which of the three is
> the best? Well, all three are equally good and equally imperfect.
> On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 9:30 AM, Dorian Pustina <albnet at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everybody at MRIstudio,
> I remember reading some paper that said field maps should be applied to
> DWI data to correct for deformations and bring everything closer to true
> anatomical space. Anybody knows how to apply this field map and whether it
> will really correct for the spatial distortions of DTI (thus making it
> easier to register DTI on MP-RAGE)?
> Thank you
> Dorian
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