[Mristudio-users] trouble using an roi for fiber tracking

Aparna Pisupati asivapu1 at jhmi.edu
Tue Sep 23 12:44:36 EDT 2014

Hi all, 


I am very new to fiber tracking and I am running into difficulties. We are
trying to track fibers from the seed region (substantia nigra) so I created
an ROI in roieditor and when I fiber track and try to use the roi to see the
selected fibers in dtistudio, I do not see anything. Is this because the
seed region is too small? Please let me know. 


Thank you for your help.





Aparna Pisupati


Sr. Research Program Coordinator

Department of Psychiatry

Johns Hopkins University

600 N Wolfe St./Phipps 322

Baltimore, MD 21287

Tel. (443)-955-7861

Fax (410-614-3676


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