[Mristudio-users] FA value for regions in the corpus-callusom

Susumu Mori smoriw at gmail.com
Thu Aug 29 11:43:38 EDT 2013

There are several options depending on what you need;

1) Do fiber tracking. It seems that you obtained 5 different tracts that
comprise the corpus callosum. As you mentioned, you can obtain one FA per
tract. In your case, 5 FA values. Each FA value is the representative FA of
each tract by avaraging FA values of all voxels inside a tract.
2) Instead of calculating a representative FA for each tract by averaging
all voxels, you can also use the "profile" option, with which, you can
obtain a FA value at each 2D slice (axial, sagittal, coronal separately).
3) As Ravi suggested, you can warp our white matter parcellation map to
your subject image and automatically parcellate the corpus callosum into
three regions (the genu, body, and splenium of CC).

Hope one the approaches addresses your need.

On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 7:32 AM, Kotikalapudi Raviteja <
raviteja.kotikalapudi at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Rotem,
> Though I couldn't get you completely, I understand that you need to
> extract FA values and compare the same between subjects and controls. For
> this purpose, you could download the JHU parcellation atlas and then use
> MRICro to extract your ROIs using 'apply intensity to volume' option. This
> particular ROI would then be saved and you could open it for the FA maps
> and note down the values.
> I hope this helps, if it is related.
> Regards,
> Ravi
> On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 4:29 PM, Rotem Saar <saar.rotem at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear experts,
>> I have performed Automatic image registration to 19 subjects (who I have
>> DTI scans for) and now about to begin fiber tracking.
>> According to my previous anatomical results, I found volume reductions in
>> specific areas of the corpus callosum, which were correlated to behavioral
>> memory results. I now want to analyze the DTI data, and test for the
>> correlations between the anatomical volume (per region, 5 in number),
>> memory performance and FA values (per region, 5 in number).
>> In the current working program in DTIstudio I only know how to extract a
>> singe FA value for the corpuse if this is what I marked for the fiber
>> tracking. I understand that I can mark a single area in the corpus each
>> time but that will probably won't be accurate when comparing subjects...
>> Is there any way to load a segmentation map in order for DTIstudio to
>> compute the FA value for each region defined in the map automatically
>> without the need to mark each time a different region ? if there is such an
>> option, I will really appreciate if u can explain what parameters (file
>> type ect...) it should contain.
>> I really want to come to the tutorial, but the thing is I live in the
>> other side of the sea:) so that won't be so easy for me to do...
>> Thanks again for all your help
>>  Rotem
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