[Mristudio-users] FA value for regions in the corpus-callusom

Rotem Saar saar.rotem at gmail.com
Thu Aug 29 06:59:22 EDT 2013

Dear experts,

I have performed Automatic image registration to 19 subjects (who I have
DTI scans for) and now about to begin fiber tracking.

According to my previous anatomical results, I found volume reductions in
specific areas of the corpus callosum, which were correlated to behavioral
memory results. I now want to analyze the DTI data, and test for the
correlations between the anatomical volume (per region, 5 in number),
memory performance and FA values (per region, 5 in number).

In the current working program in DTIstudio I only know how to extract a
singe FA value for the corpuse if this is what I marked for the fiber
tracking. I understand that I can mark a single area in the corpus each
time but that will probably won't be accurate when comparing subjects...

Is there any way to load a segmentation map in order for DTIstudio to
compute the FA value for each region defined in the map automatically
without the need to mark each time a different region ? if there is such an
option, I will really appreciate if u can explain what parameters (file
type ect...) it should contain.

I really want to come to the tutorial, but the thing is I live in the other
side of the sea:) so that won't be so easy for me to do...

Thanks again for all your help
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