[Mristudio-users] Question about map file operations

Deepa Krishnaswamy deepa.krishnaswamy1 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 15 13:06:38 EDT 2013


I am working with the processed data given on the website. I'm trying to
replicate the ROI operations in MATLAB. I'm able to correctly read in the
.dat files and convert them to .trk format. Functions have been written in
MATLAB to perform the AND, OR and NOT operations. Currently I am working on
replicating the CST using the list of ROIs given in the paper, "Atlas
guided tract reconstruction for automated and comprehensive examination of
the white matter anatomy."

I was doing some preliminary tests of the map files just using two rois. I
noticed with two rois, if the first operation is an OR, and the second
operation is an AND, the operation is actually just an AND of fibers
passing through the two rois.

If say I happen to put the first operation as AND, and the second operation
as OR, I still obtain a fiber bundle. I don't understand what this actually
means logically. I know that logically it is not equal to an OR of the two
rois. Also as a side note, the fibers I obtain using the roi operations in
MATLAB are close, but not the exact same as the CST extracted from DTI

Thanks for your time,

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