[Mristudio-users] Skull Stripping

Joanne Lin joanne.lin at auckland.ac.nz
Mon Aug 1 22:01:46 EDT 2011

Hello all,

I have a question around skull stripping in ROIEditor.

Based on previous questions and attending the tutorial, I tried skull stripping my participants' brains both manually and using the skull stripping tool in ROIEditor - both with mixed results.

I find that with the Seed Region Growing tool, it seems to include a lot of non-brain when I apply the threshold (and when I increase the threshold, there are lots of 'holes' in the ROI that I have to fix manually, and even then it doesn't always get rid of the non-brain).

When I use the Skull Stripping tool, I don't change many parameters - just change 'Segment Downsample' to 1 (as per a previous post).  This has generally worked well but for one participant, it has stripped out a part in the middle of the brain...

I hope I have explained it alright.  I would appreciate any advice for a consistent way to skull strip my data.

Thanks very much!

Kind regards,


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