[Mristudio-users] need help

Supreet kaur ksupreet6 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 7 15:46:54 EDT 2011

             The problem is that in our lab, we are provided with the motion
corrected NITFI files (.ni files). so when we view them in the DTI studio,
they can be veiwed in 3D View. Then the next step, i did the AIR regeration
saved the files in the RAW (.rec) format. I am not able to view them ok in
the 3D MRI view in the DTI studio; it gives me strange images.
 I am also providing you with the image parameter, look in the word file..
so I am stuck at this step..and not able to do DTI mapping..
I wanted to covert it into the REC format. I am providing you the details of
the image parameters in the attached word format. please help me..with this
as this is urgent..I have to do the manual segmentaiton for the tracks and
its due on Thursday...
I'll appreciate your help.


Supreet kaur
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