[Mristudio-users] DTI Data question

susumu mori susumu at mri.jhu.edu
Fri Oct 29 06:43:47 EDT 2010

There are three repeated scans. By using all three, you can improve
the SNR. You can consider it as regular scan average (NEX).

If you use 3 scan average, you get one complete DTI set. If the
subject moved during the scan, you get scans before motion and after
motion averaged by the scanner. If you submit 3 scans independently
and saved independently, you can co-register them to reduce the effect
of motion. That is why we usually submit 3 independent scans rather
than using 3 signal averaging.

If you are using Siemens with a new operating system, you can use 3
signal averaging instead of submitting 3 repeated scans because
Siemens scanners do not average the scans and save them separately in
Mosaic files.

2010/10/28 Fernando Ventrice <fventrice at fleni.org.ar>:
> Hi I would like to know why there are several DTIs (31, 41, 51,...)  for each individual of the DTI DATA that is on the website. Are they corrected images with different angulation? I measured FA values from different regions and have slight different FA values for the same region.
> Thank you very much,
> Fernando Ventrice
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