[Mristudio-users] Mesure FA from middle cerebelar peduncles

Mishra, Arabinda arabinda.mishra at Vanderbilt.Edu
Mon Sep 27 13:26:46 EDT 2010

Does anybody know how to take my address off the list.

From: mristudio-users-bounces at mristudio.org [mristudio-users-bounces at mristudio.org] On Behalf Of Lucas Lessa [lucas_lessa at yahoo.com.br]
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 12:02 PM
To: MRI Studio Mailing list
Subject: [Mristudio-users] Mesure FA from middle cerebelar peduncles

Good afternoon,

I tried to mesure the FA from middle cerebelar peduncles, but I got a significant difference between right and left.
Now I want to mesure the FA from the entire middle cerebelar peduncles, not using ROIs as I was doing, but the entire tract.
Is it possible?
Thank you.

Lucas Lessa.

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