[Mristudio-users] define ROI in DTI Studio and ROI Editor

Minjie Wu minjiewu at gmail.com
Mon Jun 28 13:45:45 EDT 2010

Hello All,

We need to measure FA in the substantia nigra (SN) in our project. Small
ellipse ROIs (4x4) are placed in these area using DTI Studio and ROI Editor

1. For DTI Studio, the ROI is not placed at the center of the crosshairs,
but instead there is an offset. Is there any way to fix or adjust this?

2. For ROI Editor, the ellipsis ROI (4x4) is placed in SN, and the location
of the ROI can be adjusted, then added to an object. However once the
ellipsis ROI is combined to an object, ellipsis no longer looks like
ellipsis. Is there any way to avoid this?

Thank you very much.


Minjie Wu, PhD
Department of Neurology
Northwestern University
710 N Lake Shore Dr
Abbott Hall, 11th floor, Suite 1107
Chicago IL 60611
Phone: 312-503-1522
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