[Mristudio-users] Flip eigen vector

Miguel Burgaleta miguel.burgaleta at uam.es
Fri Dec 11 13:48:02 EST 2009

Dear DTIStudio experts,

My question has to do with the flipping of the eigenvectors in fiber  
tracking. It looks like this is something very tricky, so I would like  
to make sure that I am choosing the right one.

So I ran the fiber tracking ( starting and ending FA thresholds at .2  
and angle at 40) and tried a single 'OR' ROI in the brainstem,  
capturing the corticospinal tract. I used this single ROI to track  
fibers in 4 conditions: no flipping of eigenvectors, flipping of X,  
flipping of Y and flipping of Z.

Please see results in attachment (note that the acquisition is not a  
full brain coverage). I'm not very good at anatomy but would say that  
flipping the Y eigenvector leads to the best results - better than no  
flipping... What do you think?

Thanks in advance for your time.

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