[Mristudio-users] overlaying analyze anatomical and fiber tract data in DTI studio

susumu susumu at mri.jhu.edu
Thu May 14 15:33:33 EDT 2009

Hi Paul,


I'm not sure if I understood your question correctly, but let me try.


There are two types of file formats to save tracking results; one is
streamline and the other is binary image.


The streamline contains the most information. You can superimpose on images
and edit (add more ROIs to choose a part of it) them using DtiStudio.


The downside of the streamline information is that now we don't provide a
way to transform the coordinate such as reorientation. You need to do fiber
tracking again after you reorient your tensor.


The binary image contain 1/0 information; pixels with "1" contain the tract.
This contains less information (some information is degenerated) because you
don't know which pixels are connected to which pixels. This you can consider
as a binary mask.


This one can be easily transformed, just like an image. To superimpose the
transformed fiber coordinates, you can use RoiEditor. For example, you can
load transformed (and coregistered) FA map to RoiEditor and also the
transformed binary map. Make sure that the 1/0 binary map was transformed by
nearest neighbor (1/0 is preserved and you don't get pixels with "0.5").
Then you can define pixels with "1" using a threshold tool and register
these pixels as an Object. Then change the active image from the binary map
to the FA map. You can see the outline for Object is superimposed on the FA





From: mristudio-users-bounces at mristudio.org
[mailto:mristudio-users-bounces at mristudio.org] On Behalf Of Paul Beach
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 3:26 PM
To: mristudio-users at mristudio.org
Subject: [Mristudio-users] overlaying analyze anatomical and fiber tract
data in DTI studio


To Whom It May Concern:


We were hoping for some input regarding viewing Fiber tracts and DTI images
concurrently. Due to limitations in our data, we have been forced to
reorient our DTI images and our Fiber tracks accordingly using the
Landmarker program. Unfortunately we have not been able to decipher a way to
view these two images overlayed simultaneously which is needed as part of
our delimitation methods. We previously have done this by saving our Fiber
ROI's, then placing them on a DTI (through DTIstudio) when needed. Since
this step is not a part of the reorientation process we do not have this
data to use. Essentially we are limited to trying to work with ANALYZE files
and were wondering if DTIstudio or its sister programs had the ability to
load these in to be viewed simultaneously. 


The work we're currently attempting to do is to list certain boundaries
based on anatomical and select fiber tract data (for example the coronal
boundary of the crura/fornical junction) and this requires having the fiber
tract data mapped onto the anatomical DTIs.



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