[Mristudio-users] read 4D DWI Philips Achieva 3T DICOM files

胡玉正 huyuzheng at gmail.com
Sun Mar 8 07:14:18 EDT 2009


   I have DWI DICOM files from a Philips Achieva 3T scanner. They are 4D
DICOM  file with all the slices and directions in one file, e.g.
'IM_001' without any extensions.
It could be converted to NIFTI or ANALYZE format with dcm2niigui.exe.
However, DTIStudio was failed to open my data with neither NIFTI nor Analyze
How can I read with DTIStudio, or convert it to 3D DICOM files ?

The same question has been posted before, here it is:
http://lists.mristudio.org/pipermail/mristudio-users/2008/000229.html. Is it
solved now?


 Hu Y.Z.

Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.
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