[Mristudio-users] Problem loading fiber tracks

Hangyi Jiang hjiang at jhmi.edu
Tue Jan 27 17:02:26 EST 2009

hi, Aliya,

the method 2) you had tried is the right way to load pre-saved fibers and superimpose them on to the images. 

in the fiber data file, the image parameters from fiber tracking are being saved.  when you re-load the fiber data, these parameters must be same as that of the image you want to superimpose on. otherwise, the fibers will not be displayed  correctly. these parameters include image dimensions, pixel slze and image orientation, slicing sequence etc. 

please double check the parameters when you load the images, they must be same as that of the fiber tracking was carried on.

if you have only few pre-saved fiber data files, you may do fiber tracking again using "corrected" image parameters. fiber tracking does not take long time. :)

if you have many files, and really cannot retrieve the parameters back, you can sent me a fiber data file, I can take a look.



>>> Aliya Gifford <gifforda at kennedykrieger.org> 01/27/09 2:48 PM >>>
Hi - 

I have a question about loading previously created fiber tracks in DTIStudio that I'm hoping someone can help me with.

I have used DTIStudio to create fiber tracks by selecting "File -> Fiber Tracking" and opening the desired *.fa and *.vec files and inputting the parameters and creating the fiber tracts from the images.  This was no problem.

The problem comes in trying to re-load the fiber tracts back onto the original image.  What I want to do is have the image from which I created the tracts and open all the fiber tracts at the same time so I can see them on the image.  I have tried doing this in two methods.  
1) Re-open the .fa and .vec files as if I will re-track the files.  Then click on the "Fiber" tab and open the fiber file.  When I do this I get an error saying the image parameters do not match.  When the fiber is then displayed on the image it is in the wrong place.
2) Open the image file from going to "File - > MRI View3D" and inputting the correct image parameters.  Then going to "File -> Load Fiber-Data" and opening the fiber tract file.  But the same error appears saying the image parameters do not match.

Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated!


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