[Mristudio-users] Is there any method to load NIfTi data in DTIMapping module?

susumu susumu at mri.jhu.edu
Mon Dec 15 11:00:21 EST 2008

Hi Albert,


there could be three reasons;


1) memory issue: To check if this is the reason, please specify a small
amount of slices to be processed in the "Slices to be processed" box in the
initial data import window. If the AIR works in this way, you have memory

2) error in your gradient table or image dimensions. After you load all the
data, please check if you have the correct number of images. For example, if
you have Siemens 12-orientation data, you should have 13 3D data. Small
mistakes (such as ";" instead of ":" and missing ",") are difficult to
catch. After reading all the data, you can close the window and reopen the
initial data import window. The program still remembers that exact gradient
table you input. If you have any error in the previous table, you can see
how DtiStudio interpreted the table. For example, if you type "3: 0, 1 0"
instead of "3: 0, 1, 0" (missing ","), you see "3: 0, 0, 0" in the re-opened

3) you may not have the AIR executable file. Please make sure you have it.
AIR is not included in DtiStudio. DtiStudio calls the AIR executable file. 


If none of these work, please let us know. We have happy to take a look at
your data.


We also have a beta version that can read Nifty data, although it is not for
raw DTI data, which are usually DICOM.





From: mristudio-users-bounces at mristudio.org
[mailto:mristudio-users-bounces at mristudio.org] On Behalf Of ??
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 9:33 AM
To: mristudio-users at mristudio.org
Subject: [Mristudio-users] Is there any method to load NIfTi data in
DTIMapping module?


Dear all 


If I use the AIR module to do eddy correction, It always crashes! So I turn
to FlAIR module in FSL. If It means I can't use DTIStudio anymore in the
follow-up produces?Is there any method to load NIfTi data in DTI Mapping

Which software can convert the  NIfTi data into  Raw or NRRD format?Please
let me know..

Thanks a lot!


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